Characteristics of Animals

Popularity (by total correct streak): 16
Popularity (by number of users): 1


Animals consume this way: Heterotrophic  
Specialized cells and tissues develop from: Embryonic germ layers  
2 cell tyes unique to animals: Nervous and muscle  
Animals reproduce this way: Sexual  
What stage dominates life cycle? Diploid  
As an embryo develops, new cells are formed and different types of cells develop by the processes of: cell division and differentation  
What are Hox genes? “master genes” that control expression of many other cells  
What event marked the first fossil appearance of living animals? Cambrian explosion  
3 types of symmetry in animals: assymetrical, bilateral, and radial  
Cephalization is linked to: symmetry  
What is a tissue? collection of specialized cells enclosed in membranes  
What is significant about primordal tissues? They give rise to all other tissues and organs  
What does the ectoderm develop into? skin, brain, and nervous tissue  
What does the mesoderm develop into? muscles, bones, blood, skin, and reproductive organs  
What does the endoderm develop into? digestion and respiration structures  
What does triploblastic mean? 3 germ layers(endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm)  
What does diploblastic mean? 2 germ layers (endoderm and ectoderm)  
What is a body cavity used for? internal space for organs, organs move and grow independent of body wall, and could be hydrostatic skeleton if there is fluid  
What are 3 classifications based on body cavity? Coelomate (true cavity completely lined with mesoderm tissue), Pseudocoelom (cavity not completely lined), Acoelomate (no cavity, mesoderm-filled region)  
Differences in development are based on what 3 criteria? cleavage patterns, coelom formation, and blastopore fate  

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