Structure and function of animals

Popularity (by total correct streak): 26
Popularity (by number of users): 1


Size and shape has a direct effect on what? How an animal exchanges materials with its environment  
Materials from environment are diffused in what? An aqueous medium  
Increased complexity led to: increased specialization to meet exchange needs  
What happens as number of cells increase? Surface area to volume ratio increases  
What are cells? basic component of life that carries out all essential functions  
What are tissues? 1000s of same specialized cells with common function  
What are organs? multiple types of tissues for common function  
What are organ systems? combination of organs as part of integrated system  
What are specialized cells? basic functions, but specialized for one task  
What is an organism? all components orgaized into  
What are the 4 types of tissues? Epithelial, Connective, Muscle, and Nervous  
What are 6 types of connective tissue? Loose Connective, Adipose, Fibrous, Blood, Cartilage, and Bone  
What are 3 types of muscle tissue? Skeletal, Smooth, and Heart  
What are 2 types of nervous tissue? Neuron and glial cells  
How many organ systems are there? Eleven  
What system releases hormones and has a slow gradual response? Endocrine System  
What system transmits nerve impulses and has an immediate response? Nervous System  
Why is system coordination important? To increase efficiency  
What is homeostasis? maintenance of internal “steady state” in face of external fluctuations  
What are 3 components of homeostasis? stimulus sensor, set point, and response  
What is a regulator? internal environment is regulated by control of mechanisms (endotherms)  
What is a conformer? internal environment conforms to external environment (ectotherms)  
What aspect of homeostasis is most important? temperature because of its effect of rate of metabolism  
Which takes more energy: regulating or conforming? regulating due to metabolism, but they have advantage  
What are 4 ways to balance heat loss and gain? radiation, evaporation, convection, and conduction  
Endotherms use these two additional adaptations to balance heat loss and gain: insulation (blubber) and circulatory adaptations (blood flow)  
What is bioenergetics? the flow or transformation of energy through an animal  
How is bioenergetics examined? the basal metabolic rate  

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