Development of Animals

Popularity (by total correct streak): 13
Popularity (by number of users): 1


What is Cleavage? rapid increase in number of cells without increase in cytoplasm  
If the volume doesn't increase from cleavage what 2 things occur? diameter of cells decrease and surface area to volume ratio increases  
Early cleavage leads to formation of what? the balstula (hollow ball of cells)  
What are two types of cleavage and how are they different? Spiral (protosomes, unequal division) and Radial (Deuterostomes, cell division is equal)  
What happens to the blastula during gastrulation? it becomes gastrula (3 layered embryo)  
What are four parts of gastrula? ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm, and blastopore  
What is the fate of the blastopore? Becomes mouth in Protosomes and becomes anus in deuterosomes  
What occurs during early organogenesis? 3 embryonic germ layers develop into rudimentary organs  
What is formed during early organogenesis? Neural plate and neural tube  
What 2 adaptive structures allowed development to occur on shelled egg and uterus  
What are 4 extraembryonic membranes in amniotic egg? amnion (protection), allantois (waste), yolk sac (nutrients), and chorion (respiration)  
What is a uterus? site of fertilization and development  
What is significant about the placenta and why is it important? double origin membrane (embryonic and maternal), critical for nutrient and waste exchange  

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