random words

Popularity (by total correct streak): 7
Popularity (by number of users): 1


overly attatched uraƱo  
packed full repleto, -a  
sky blue, light blue azul celeste  
rubber hule  
spoiled chiple  
vandal vandolero  
ticks garrapatas  
be lenient ser indulgente  
carve in wood, sculpt tallar  
to scrub oneself tallarse  
compromise transigir  
bow-legged pando, -a  
common, vulgar ordinario, -a  
fakey disimulada  
villain el malo de la pelicula  
dim-witted baboso, -a  
stinky pestoso  
weakling debilucha  
has his down-side tiene sus fregos  
machine guns metrallas  

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