random words
Popularity (by total correct streak): 0
Popularity (by number of users): 1
to lie in, be situated in | radicar | |
to clear one's mind | despejarse | |
to run over, crush | arrollar, atropear | |
crazy | enloquecida, -o | |
to turn over | volcadura | |
night-owl | trasnocadores | |
carve meat | trinchar | |
to beat up | dar una paliza, tundir | |
airtight, secretive | hermética, -o | |
security guard | vigilante | |
cell | celda | |
solitary confinement | incomunicación | |
investments | inversiones | |
expand | ampliar | |
lousy | pinche | |
dark, gloomy, sinister | tenebroso | |
land left fallow | tierra barbechada | |
to hound, harrass | acosar | |
dangling | quindando | |
fairies | las hadas |
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