bugs, housecleaning, random words

Popularity (by total correct streak): 70
Popularity (by number of users): 1


cricket el grillo  
grasshopper el saltamontes  
scorpion el alacrán  
beetle el escarabajo  
alarm clock el despertador  
turn signals los intermitentes  
to dust sacudir  
to sweep barrer  
bucket el cubo  
mop el fregasuelos  
hood la capota  
mantel over fireplace la repisa  
tadpole el rena cuajo  
seizure, confiscation incautación  
breakdown avería  
carmelized garrapiñadas  
basin cuenca  
to grieve, sadden, pain apenadas  
impressive imponentes  
culture cultivos  
flatter adular  
mesed-up fregado  
plates, sheeting planchas  
search, rummage through el rebusco/rebuscar  
grape harvest la vendimia  
to insult zaherir  
compromise transigir en  
seats (on the camel) lunetas  
corrugated cardboard carton ondulado  
meet the goal sacar la meta  

Quisition is a browser-based flashcard system that repeats old cards and introduces new ones at optimal time intervals. You can create your own card packs or use those developed by others.