Colorectal cancer, random words
Popularity (by total correct streak): 0
Popularity (by number of users): 1
screening | prueba de detección | |
aqueous, watery | acuoso | |
creatinine clearance | evacuación de creatinina | |
stay healthy | conservar la salud de | |
fulfill a function | desempeñar | |
contribute | aportar | |
contributions | aportaciones | |
coronary arteries | arterias oronarias | |
hindrances, impediments | impedimentos | |
endless | interminable | |
effort | esfuerzo | |
fail to work correctly | fallar | |
survive, subsist | subsistir | |
move, travel | desplazarse, moverse | |
bloodstream | elriego sanguíneo, el corriente sanguineo | |
soluable | soluble | |
to cross, go through | atravesar | |
alley | callejón | |
moral support | apoyo moral | |
an erroneous concept | un concepto erróneo | |
drop off, unload | descargar | |
load, carry | cargar | |
make narrow | estrechar | |
gather, pick up | recoger, levantar | |
wrapped up, packaged | empaquetado | |
breech | sentado | |
CBC | prueba para detectar infección | |
metabolic panel | panel metabólica | |
consist of | se compone de | |
less than | inferior a | |
harmful | dañinos, -as, nocivos, -as | |
bully | abusón, -ona | |
bully | amenazador, -a | |
bully (verb) | intimidar | |
to make aware of | concienciar |
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