random words
Popularity (by total correct streak): 0
Popularity (by number of users): 1
liquify | licuar | |
murmur | murmurar, refunfuñar | |
display | exhibición | |
sort | escoger, clasificar | |
receiving | recepción | |
deaths | fallecimientos | |
receiving station | estación de recepción | |
bridge of the nose | caballete | |
wholesale | venta al por mayor | |
retail | venta al por menor | |
retailer | minorista | |
retailer | comercio minorista | |
aisle in a church | nave | |
shelving | estantería | |
display counter | mostrador | |
clothes rack | perchero | |
quad screen | prueba de detección de ciertos defectos congénitos | |
curl up | engarruñada | |
entice | seducir, atraer | |
shriveled up | marchitar | |
payroll | nómina, planilla de pago | |
campus | campus/ciudad universitaria | |
skates | patines | |
skateboard | patineta | |
under my authority | bajo mi mano | |
exhausting | agotador | |
create a suction - remedio casero | hacer ventosa | |
it's not a joke | no es un relajo | |
cushion (verb) | amortiguar |
Quisition is a browser-based flashcard system that repeats old cards and introduces new ones at optimal time intervals. You can create your own card packs or use those developed by others.