December 2, 2009
Popularity (by total correct streak): 0
Popularity (by number of users): 1
Commital Hearing | audiencia de confinamiento | |
Mental Health Court | corte de salud mental | |
account and facts | relatos y datos | |
Family Court | la corte de derecho de familia | |
legal separation | separación legal | |
divide up | repartir | |
custody | custodia | |
custody plan | plan de custodia | |
custody and parenting plan | plan de guarda y crianza | |
visitation | el programa de visitas | |
child support | manutención de niño | |
lawyer who works out child support payments | facilitador, -a | |
continuance (til next day) | continuará, postergará | |
restraining order | orden de entredicho, orden de restricción | |
temporary restraining order | orden temporal de restricción |
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