
Popularity (by total correct streak): 33
Popularity (by number of users): 1


Paul's birth year 5-15 AD  
Saul's family sent him to Jerusalem to: study the Hebrew law  
Paul was blinded for___ days 3  
Paul's conversion yeat 34-36 AD  
Paul's death year 65-68 AD  
how did Paul die? beheaded  
after Paul's conversion he: had to explain his change of heart in the synagogue  
council of Jerusalem year 49 AD  
at the council of Jerusalem fought so that___... gentiles did not have to become Jews before they became Christians  
Paul's family were_____citizens Romans  
Jewish neighborhoods centered around the _____ synagoues  
Paul was well respected in the synagogues of Tarsus because he knew the Hebrew law(one smart cookie)  
beloved physician Luke  
non-Jew gentiles  
taught saul gamaliel  
fisherman peter  
spread christianity to many cities paul  
worshiped many gods pagan  
in the year of the lord annao domini  
word or action against God or sacred things blasphemy  
study and teach the written/oral law the scribes  
first christian martyr stephen  
city where paul traveled when he was blinded dimascus  
baptized paul ananious  
parish synagouges  
arrested christians saul  
city where paul grew up tarsus  

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