chapters 10-14

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CATTELL 16 source traits,represent dimension of personality,developed 16pf (questionnaire provides score for each personality trait)ALL SAME TRAITS,how they r expressed  
EYSENICK factor analysis,predicts behavior,personality described by three dimensions  
THREE DIMENSIONS: Extraversion(OPPOSITE INTROVERSION) outgoing, degree of sociability,  
NEUROTIC worry,insecure,dimension encompasses emotional stability,  
Psychotism reality is distorted,not sensetive,wether or not we lack feeing  
ALLPORT people each have unique combination of traits(different)  
(ALLPORT)CARDINAL dominant trait (effects think,act feel)  
CENTRAL main attributes(who we are) 6-10 traits  
SECONDARY interests,hobbies, what i like,(not define who we are)  
O open to new experience(outgoing)  
C conciousness,  
E extroversion,positive emotion,organized,high motivation  
A agreement,emotionally flexible,easygoing,loyal trusting  
N neurotism,(negative emotion) moody,worry,insecure  
REPRESSION unpleasant,impulsesare pushed back into unconcious,EXAMPLE: unable to recall rape  
REGRESSION people behave as if they were at an earlier stage of development EX(boss has tantrum when employee makes a mistake)  
DISPLACEMENT expression of an unwanted feeling or thought is redirectedfrom a more threatning pperson to a waeker one EX:(brother yells at younger sister when gets bad grade from teacher)  
RATIONALIZATION people provide self justifying explanations in place of the actual, but threatening,reason for behavorEX:(student goes to party before test says its not important)  
DENIAL refuse toaccept or acknowledge an anxiety prod piece of info  
PROJECTION attribute unwanted impulses and feelings to someone else EX:(man who is unfaithful guilt, suspects wife unfaithful)  
SUBLIMATION divert unwanted impulsesinto sacially approved thoughts feelkings behavior(person with strong feeling of agression becomes soldier)  
REACTION FORMATION unconcious impulses are expressed as their opposite in conciousness (mother unconciously resents her child, acts in an overly loving way toward child  
ONDOING trying to undo situation make retribution  
ORAL birth-12-18months,(interests in oral gratification from sucking eating mouthing biting  
ANAL 12-18months to 2years(gratification from expelling and withholding feces: coming to terma with societys controls with toilet training  
PHALIC 3-5-6years(interest in genitals, coming to terms with oedipal conflict lead to identity with same sex parents  
LATENCY 5-6 yers to adolescents,sexual concerns largely unimportant  
GENITAL Adolescence to AdUlthood, reamergence of sexual interests and establishment of mature sexual relationships  
SOCIAL COGNITIVE THEORY emphasize the influence of a person cognitions,thoughts feelings emotions expectations values-as well as observation of others behavior in determining personality  
SELF EFFICENCY belief in ones personal capabilities, underlies people fath in their ability to carry out a particular behavior or produce a desired outcome.  
BEHAVIORAL THEORY/LEARNING disregards conscious and unconcious, focus on enviroment, stresses determinism, behavior is caused by factors outside ones control,personality remains flexible throughout life  
BIO/EVOLUTIONARY THEORY innate,inherited,behavior caused outside ones control,stability of character throughout life  
HUMANISTIC concious more than unconcious,interaction between both nature(hereditary)and nurture(enviroment) fredom of individuals to make own decisions,personality flexible resilent through life  
PROJECTIVE TEST shown an ambiguous stimulus and asked to give or tell their story  
RORSCHAH TEST showing series of symmetrical visual stimuli to people who then are asked wha figures represent  
TAT series of pictures abou which a person is asked to write a story  
OBJECTIVE TEST TRUE OR FALSE self report test identifies people with psychological difficulties and is employed to predict some everyday behavior  
BIOMEDICAL MODEL physical aspect,phys body is affected by physical things(viruses,germs  
BIOPSYCHOSOCIAL MODEL 3 part model,bio,psych,social,combined influence health  
CATACLISMIC strong,comes suddenly,natural disaster,attacks  
PERSONAL effects individual(losing job) major life event,shock,sudden,dies off  
BACKGROUND daily hasseles,misplacing, daily annoyances  
SEIYE 3 step process what body goes through during stress  
A(ALARM) increase heart rate,sweat,increase breathing,adrenaline increasing  
R(resistance) alarm is ongoing,not wanting to turn off,coping to i,sympathetic is on  
E(EXHAUSTION) no more to give, body shuts down,depleted vulnerable, o outside influence,can cause illness, sympathetic is off  
LEARNED HELPLESSNESS people conclude that unpleasant or aversive stimuli cannot be controlled-a view of world that becomes so ingrained that they cease trying to remedy the aversive circumstances,even if they actually can exert some influence  
HARDINESS a personality characteristic associated with a lower rate of stress-related illness,consisting of three components: commitment,challenge,control  
TYPE A(heart disease) competitive,HOSTILE,easily annoyed cant relax  
TYPE B relaxed with out guilt,calm easygoing  
TYPE C third personality,pleasant at peace,keep anger inside doesnt know how to express nagaivity, lonley  
OPTIMISM to achieve goals high sel esteem  
PHYSICIAN-patient communication communication increases life well being  
PRIMARY APPRAISEL how threatening is this event to my well being  
SECONDARY APPRAISEL here is situation,what resources do i have to cope with this(do i have resources)  
PROBLEM FOCUSED find a solution to problem,ease stress,modify problem,we feel about person,problem  
EMOTION FOCUSED manage emotions,in face of stress,seeking to change way we feel about person,problem,(EX: looking at positive side of situations,accepting sympathy)  

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