
Popularity (by total correct streak): 13
Popularity (by number of users): 1


Always our Children letter from the united states conference of catholic bishops to family members of homosexuals  
Advent the four weeks leading up to christmas in preparation of the anniversary of the incarnation of god  
All Soul's Day Nov 1. pray for someone today and they go straight to heaven!  
Americanism Liberalism, Freedom of Press, Individualism, Separation of Church and State- worried vatican  
Apophatic Prayer Concentration, Meditation  
Basilica of St. John in Lateran oldest purpose-built church/basilica,  
Basilica of St. Peter Biggest Church, Pope Mass, Built by Constantine  
Basilica of St. Paul Outside the walls, Constantine  
Body of Christ Eucharist, community of believers  
Caritas in Veritate Benedict XVI on Globalization  
Charles Borromeo Patron St. of Seminarians, created the seminary, tried to fix protestant problems  
Christoph Schonborn Christianity and Science  
Christopher West "An Education in Being Human"  
Communion of Saints spiritual union of all believers past and present  

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