possible unknown vocabulary from the famous novel

Popularity (by total correct streak): 25
Popularity (by number of users): 2


truncheon a club (as carried by policemen) or baton (staff symbolic of authority).  
aureole halo  
to dissemble to disquise; to conceal; to give a misleading appearance.  
mutable changable; subject to change.  
myriad innumerable; of an indefinitely great number.  
labyrinth maze (n)  
palimpsest reused tablet, parchment or the like.  
pannikin small pan or metal cup  
vapid dull, tedious.  
incredulous unbelieving, skeptical.  
furtive sneaky  
sinecure easy job  
palpable obvious, capable of being touched, tangible  
convoluted coiled, complicated  
officious meddlesome, aggresive  
anodyne pacifier, medicine that relieves pain.  
lassitude fatigue, weariness of body.  
fatuous foolish  
to etiolate to weaken or become sickly  
obeisant meek, submissive, ready to obey  
prosaic unimaginative, matter-of-fact  
rendezvous meeting place  
muslin type of cotton cloth/fabric  
febrile feverish  
ramification subdivision  
simian ape-like  
to demur to object or take exception to.  
persiflage frivolity, flippant; lack of seriousness, carelessness.  
fecund fertile, fruitful.  
spurious counterfeit, false  
inimical hostile, unfriendly  
avaricious greedy  
nucleus center  
to ossify to harden, become rigid  
livid discolored, reddish or flushed.  
insidious sinister, intended to entrap.  
surly churlishly rude, bad-tempered.  
to prevaricate lie, deliberately mislead.  
to vindicate to confirm, to clear of blame.  
to quail to cower  
to degrade to debase, lower in dignity  
forlorn miserable  
torpid inactive, sluggish  
premonitory giving warning, serving to warn.  
to cauterize to sear, to burn, sever  
abstruse complex, hard to understand  
equivocation uncertainity, contradicting, ambiguous, doublethink, with intent to mislead  
heretic dissent, one who does not conform to established attitude.  
illicit unlawful  
feral savage, characteristic of a wild animal.  

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