5 Jan 10

Popularity (by total correct streak): 32
Popularity (by number of users): 1


きふする kifusuru - Contribution  
あと ato - Still (Still left 50)  
読み終わる yomi owaru - Finish reading  
喜ぶ よろこぶ yorokobu - Be glad  
サービス業 sa-bisu gyou - Service industry  
授かる 1. さずかる sazukaru (v5r) to be given, to be awarded,  
使役 1. しえき shieki - Employment  
職業 1. しょくぎょう shokugyou (n) occupation, business,  
産業 1. さんぎょう sangyou (n) industry,  
徒歩 1. とほ toho (n) walking, going on foot,  
動詞 1. どうし doushi (n) verb,  
空手 1. からて karate (n) karate,  
個人 1. こじん kojin (adj-no,n) individual, private person, personal, private,  
秘書 1. ひしょ hisho (n) (private) secretary,  
歌詞 1. かし kashi (n) song lyrics, words of a song,  
個性 1. こせい kosei (n) individuality, personality, idiosyncrasy,  
決まる 1. きまる kimaru (v5r) to be decided, to be settled, to look good in (clothes),  
飛行機 1. ひこうき hikouki (n) aeroplane,  
空港 1. くうこう kuukou (n) airport,  
教授 1. きょうじゅ kyouju (n) teaching, instruction, professor,  
兵役 1. へいえき heieki (n) military service, conscription,  
連休 1. れんきゅう renkyuu (n) consecutive holidays,  
授業 1. じゅぎょう jugyou (n,vs) lesson, class work,  
解決 1. かいけつ kaiketsu (n,vs) settlement, solution, resolution,  
1. みなと minato (n) harbour, port,  
伝説 1. でんせつ densetsu (n) tradition, legend, folklore,  
弁当 1. べんとう bentou (n) box lunch,  
悲しむ 1. かなしむ kanashimu (v5m) to be sad, to mourn for, to regret,  
伝える 1. つたえる tsutaeru (v1) to convey, to report, to transmit, to communicate, to tell, to impart, to propagate, to teach, to bequeath,  
役に立つ 1. やくにたつ yakunitatsu (v5t) to be helpful, to be useful,  
決める 1. きめる kimeru (v1) to decide,  
変える 1. かえる kaeru (v1,vt) to change, to alter, to vary, to convert, to revise, to amend,  
空く 1. あく aku (v5k,vi) (1) to open, to become open, to become empty, (2) to be less crowded,  
人形 1. にんぎょう ningyou (n) doll, puppet, figure,  
探す 1. さがす sagasu (v5s) to search, to seek, to look for,  
手伝う 1. てつだう tetsudau (v5u) to help, to assist, to take part in,  
空気 1. くうき kuuki (n) air, atmosphere,  
決心 1. けっしん kesshin (n,vs) determination, resolution,  
生徒 1. せいと seito (n) pupil,  
叱る 1. しかる shikaru (v5r) to scold,  
遊ぶ 1. あそぶ asobu (v5b) (1) to play, to make a visit (esp. for pleasure), (2) to be idle, to do nothing,  
1. えき eki (n) war, campaign, battle,  
飛ぶ 1. とぶ tobu (v5b) to jump, to fly, to leap, to spring, to bound, to hop,  
1. から kara (n) emptiness,  

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