Japn INT 4.1

Popularity (by total correct streak): 34
Popularity (by number of users): 1


究極 1. きゅうきょく kyuukyoku (adj-no,n) ultimate, final, eventual,  
探求 1. たんきゅう tankyuu (n) quest, pursuit,  
専門 1. せんもん senmon (n) speciality, subject of study, expert,  
住所 1. じゅうしょ juusho (n) address (e.g. of house), residence, domicile,  
研修 1. けんしゅう kenshuu (n,vs) training,  
酒豪 1. しゅごう shugou (n) heavy drinker,  
美容 1. びよう biyou (n) beauty of figure or form,  
牧師 1. ぼくし bokushi (n) pastor, minister, clergyman,  
心残り 1. こころのこり kokoronokori (adj-na,n) regret, reluctance,  
専ら 1. もっぱら moppara (adv) wholly, solely, entirely,  
職業 1. しょくぎょう shokugyou (n) occupation, business,  
生存 1. せいぞん seizon (n) existence, being, survival,  
存知 1. ぞんじ zonji (n) knowledge of,  
共存 1. きょうそん kyouson (n) coexistence,  
究める 1. きわめる kiwameru (v1) to master, to investigate thoroughly,  
残業 1. ざんぎょう zangyou (n,vs) overtime,  
専業 1. せんぎょう sengyou (n) special occupation, principal occupation, specialty, monopoly,  
配達 1. はいたつ haitatsu (n,vs) delivery, distribution,  
残念 1. ざんねん zannen (adj-na,n) deplorable, bad luck, regret, disappointment,  
配る 1. くばる kubaru (v5r) to distribute, to deliver,  
待合室 1. まちあいしつ machiaishitsu (n) waiting room,  
研ぐ 1. とぐ togu (v5g) to sharpen, to grind, to scour, to hone, to polish, to wash (rice),  
教室 1. きょうしつ kyoushitsu (n) classroom,  
好意 1. こうい koui (n) good will, favor, courtesy,  
質屋 1. しちや shichiya (n) pawnshop,  
保存 1. ほぞん hozon (n,vs) preservation, conservation, storage, maintenance,  
地下 1. ちか chika (n) basement, underground,  
研究 1. けんきゅう kenkyuu (n,vs) study, research, investigation,  
教師 1. きょうし kyoushi (n) teacher (classroom),  
質問 1. しつもん shitsumon (n,vs) question, inquiry,  
残す 1. のこす nokosu (v5s) to leave (behind, over), to bequeath, to save, to reserve,  
好奇 1. こうき kouki (n) inquisitiveness,  
存在 1. そんざい sonzai (n,vs) existence, being,  
熱心 1. ねっしん nesshin (adj-na,n) zeal, enthusiasm,  
住む 1. すむ sumu (v5m) to abide, to reside, to live in, to inhabit, to dwell,  
安心 1. あんしん anshin (adj-na,n,vs) relief, peace of mind,  
好き 1. すき suki (adj-na,n) liking, fondness, love,  
心配する 1. しんぱい shinpai (adj-na,n,vs) worry, concern, anxiety, care,  
1. こころ kokoro (n) mind, heart, spirit,  

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