18 Jan 10

Popularity (by total correct streak): 19
Popularity (by number of users): 1


忘れ物 わすれもの wasuremono (n) lost article, something forgotten,  
講演 こうえん kouen (n,vs) lecture, address,  
横綱 よこづな yokoduna (n) sumo grand champion,  
指定 してい shitei (n,vs) designation, specification, assignment, pointing at,  
講義 こうぎ kougi (n,vs) lecture,  
正義 せいぎ seigi (n) justice, right, righteousness, correct meaning,  
市場 いちば ichiba (n) (1) (town) market, (2) (the) marketplace,  
講習 こうしゅう koushuu (n) short course, training,  
熱帯魚 ねったいぎょ nettaigyo (n) tropical fish,  
金魚 きんぎょ kingyo (n) goldfish,  
試す ためす tamesu (v5s) to attempt, to test,  
当たる あたる ataru (v5r) to be hit, to be successful, to face (confront), to lie (in the direction of), to undertake, to treat, to be equivalent to, to apply to, to be applicable, to be assigned,  
出席 しゅっせき shusseki (n,vs) attendance, presence,  
当時 とうじ touji (n-adv,n-t) at that time, in those days,  
自宅 じたく jitaku (n) one's home,  
にく niku (n) meat,  
せき seki (n) seat,  
よこ yoko (n) beside, side, width,  
本当に ほんとうに hontouni (adv) really, truly,  
きみ kimi (n) (fam) you (masc. term for female),  
自分 じぶん jibun (n) myself, oneself,  

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