Practice for U.S. History
Popularity (by total correct streak): 308
Popularity (by number of users): 10
Religious and Political Freedom | Amendment 1 | |
Freedom of religion | Amendment 1 | |
Freedom of speech | Amendment 1 | |
Freedom of the press | Amendment 1 | |
Freedom of assembly | Amendment 1 | |
Freedom to petition the government for redress of grievances - the freedom to ask the government to remedy injustices | Amendment 1 | |
Right to keep and bear arms | Amendment 2 | |
Prohibition against the quartering of troops | Amendment 3 | |
Prohibition against Unreasonable searches and seizures | Amendment 4 | |
Rights of the accused | Amendment 5 | |
Right to speedy and fair trial | Amendment 6 | |
Right to trial by jury | Amendment 7 | |
Prohibition against unreasonable bail or punishment | Amendment 8 | |
Rights not specified retained by the people | Amendment 9 | |
Powers reserved to the states or people | Amendment 10 | |
The first 10 amendments | The Bill of Rights | |
Suits against States | Amendment 11 | |
Election of the President and Vice President | Amendment 12 | |
Abolition of Slavery | Amendment 13 | |
Rights of citizens | Amendment 14 | |
Right to vote not abridged by Race or Color | Amendment 15 | |
Income Tax | Amendment 16 | |
Direct election of Senators | Amendment 17 | |
Prohibition of Alcoholic Beverages | Amendment 18 | |
Women's Right to vote | Amendment 19 | |
Repeal of Prohibition | Amendment 21 | |
Limit on Presidential terms | Amendment 22 | |
Presidential Voting for the District of Colombia | Amendment 23 | |
Abolition of the Poll Tax | Amendment 24 | |
Presidential Disability and Succession | Amendment 25 | |
Right to vote for Eighteen-Year-Old Citizens | Amendment 26 | |
Delay in Changing the Compensation of Members of Congress | Amendment 27 |
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