Vocaburary for OT studies
Popularity (by total correct streak): 112
Popularity (by number of users): 8
Verheißung | promise | |
Bund | covenant | |
Bundesschluss | covenant making | |
Begriff | concept, notion, term | |
Altertum | antiquity | |
-kunde | science of -; study of - | |
Pronomen | pronoun | |
Beitrag | contribution; article | |
Wertung | assessment, valuation | |
Vertrag | contract, treaty | |
Urkunden | documentation | |
grenzstein | boundary stone | |
Geschichtsbild | conception of history | |
ewige | eternal | |
Entstehung | emergence, origin; formation, development | |
Darstellung | description, depiction, account | |
Krise | crisis | |
Recht | law | |
Schenkung | endowment, gift, donation | |
üben | to practice | |
Leib | body | |
mit dem Problem ringen, daß... | to wrestle with the problem that... | |
ringen | struggle, wrestle | |
dennoch | however, yet, anyhow | |
umgehen | go around, deal (with); avoid, bypass | |
Aufbau | structure, composition | |
erhoben | raised | |
Mittel | means, device, resource | |
Stamm | tribe | |
einigen | to unite, unify | |
Ausnahme | exception | |
vereinen | to unite | |
auseinander | apart | |
drohen | to threaten | |
erfahren | find out, learn | |
empfinden | feel | |
Umwelt | environment | |
Lage | situation, location | |
gelten + Dat | be directed at | |
Gefangenschaft | captivity | |
bewirken | cause, bring about | |
jeder | every, anyone | |
jener | that, those | |
Spruch | passage, text (pl. Sprüche) | |
miteinander | with each other | |
Darstellung | portrayal | |
Vorstellung | idea, imagination, picture | |
umfassend | extensive, comprehensive, thorough | |
umfassen | to grasp, embrace, include | |
vorlegen | to present, submit | |
Sinn | meaning, point | |
Dat. + gerecht werden | to do justice to Dat. | |
gerecht | just, upright | |
Schwerpunkt | main focus, main emphasis, center | |
vorliegend | existing, available, at hand | |
-ik | area of study (e.g. Dogmatik, Judaistik) | |
hinterlassen | leave | |
darf | 3s of dürfen | |
geradezu | virtually, almost, frankly | |
gilt als/für | to be regarded as | |
zu Recht | rightly | |
gerade | straight, even, just, especially, precisely | |
segnen | to bless | |
zu der Zeit, als... | (at the time) when... | |
erzählen | to narrate | |
berichten | to report | |
schildern | to depict | |
erwähnen | to mention | |
beschreiben | to describe | |
verfassen | to author, write | |
abfassen | to compose | |
gelten/gilt/galt/hat gegolten | to (seem to) be true, valid | |
gelten als/fu"r | to be regarded as | |
gelten lassen | to accept | |
es gilt...zu... | it is necessary to | |
aufweisen | to present | |
Beschneidung | circumcision | |
sich unterwerfen | to submit oneself | |
sich entziehen | to escape | |
es besteht | there exists | |
bestimmen | to determine, to characterize precisely | |
ablösen | to supplant, replace, take the place of | |
verlängern | to lengthen, extend | |
lenken | to guide, lead, drive | |
loslösen | to separate, dissolve | |
Loslösung | separation |
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