
Popularity (by total correct streak): 89
Popularity (by number of users): 1


tuǐ leg  
bèi by  
zhuàng knock, collide  
dǎo fall, collapse  
上街 shàng jiē go to the street  
shāng hurt, wound  
要紧 yàojǐn serious  
liú shed, flow  
xiě blood  
骨头 gǔtou bone  
出租车 chūzūchē taxi  
不好意思 bù hǎo yìsi feel embarased  
故意 gùyì on purpose  
钱包 qiánbāo wallet, purse  
ràng allow, let me, by  
小偷 xiǎotōu thief, pick pocket  
tōu steal  
jiào by  
遇到 yùdào meet, come across, run into  
hài (an interjection)  
diū lose  
lín drench, get wet  
落汤鸡 luòtāngjī soaked, like a drenched chicken  
似的 shìde like  
司机 sījī driver  
lā pull, transport  
可气 kěqì annoying  
算卦 suàn guà tell sb's fortune  
运气 yùnqi luck  
shǎ stupid  
huā spend  
受骗 shòu piàn deceived, fooled, cheated  
shòu receive, suffer  
piàn cheat  
抽烟 chōu yān smoke  
fá punish, fine  
diǎn light  
戒烟 jiè yān give up smoking  
浪费 làngfèi waste  

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