
Popularity (by total correct streak): 29
Popularity (by number of users): 1


困难 kùnnan difficulty, trouble  
民警/警察 mínjǐng/jǐngchá peoples police  
jù sentence  
huà words  
到处 dàochù everywhere  
十字路口 shízì lùkǒu intersection  
duì couple  
夫妻 fūqī man and wife  
看样子 kàn yàngzi it seems, seem  
样子 yàngzi appearance  
农村 nóngcūn country,rural  
gǎn dare  
发现 fāxiàn find, discover  
立即 lìjí at once  
来往 láiwǎng coming and going  
fú assist, support with hand  
bù step  
情景 qíngjǐng scene, sight  
kě need(doing), be worth (doing)  
发生 fāshēng happen, take place  
gǔn roll  
bào hold, carry in ones arms  
叔叔 shūshu uncle  
鞋带儿 xiédàir shoelace  
jiǎo foot  
shēn reach  
面前 miànqián in front of, before  
弯腰 wānyāo bend over  
画家 huàjiā painter, artist  
sōng pine  
zhú bamboo  
méi plum  
岁寒三友 suìhánsānyǒu three friends in cold weather  
外宾 wàibīn foreign visitor  
shī poem  
表现 biǎoxiàn show, display  
美丽 měilì beautiful  
美好 měihǎo fine,happy,glorious  
人品 rénpǐn character, moral quality  
国画 guóhuà traditional Chinese painting  
过奖 guòjiǎng overpraise  

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