Chapter Topics

Popularity (by total correct streak): 8
Popularity (by number of users): 2


Chapter 1 Of the Holy Scripture  
Chapter 2 Of God, and of the Holy Trinity  
Chapter 3 Of God's Eternal Decree  
Chapter 4 Of Creation  
Chapter 5 Of Providence  
Chapter 6 Of the Fall of Man, of Sin, and of the Punishment thereof  
Chapter 7 Of God's Covenant with Man  
Chapter 8 Of Christ the Mediator  
Chapter 9 Of Free Will  
Chapter 10 Of Effectual Calling  
Chapter 11 Of Justificaton  
Chapter 12 Of Adoption  
Chapter 13 Of Sanctification  
Chapter 14 Of Saving Faith  
Chapter 15 Of Repentance unto Life  
Chapter 16 Of Good Works  
Chapter 17 Of the Perserverance of the Saints  
Chapter 18 Of Assurance of Grace and Salvation  
Chapter 19 Of the Law of God  
Chapter 20 Of Christian Liberty, and Liberty of Conscience  
Chapter 21 Of Religious Worship, and the Sabbath Day  
Chapter 22 Of Lawful Oaths and Vows  
Chapter 23 Of the Civil Magistrates  
Chapter 24 Of Marriage and Divorce  
Chapter 25 Of the Church  
Chapter 26 Of the Communion of the Saints  
Chapter 27 Of the Sacraments  
Chapter 28 Of Baptism  
Chapter 29 Of the Lord's Supper  
Chapter 30 Of Church Censures  
Chapter 31 Of Synods and Councils  
Chapter 32 Of the State of Men after Death, and of the Resurrection of the Dead  
Chapter 33 Of the Last Judgment  

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