Popularity (by total correct streak): 13
Popularity (by number of users): 1


Name a good that is not scarce. Garbage, dirty air, etc...  
When is a good not scarce? If everybody can have all they want of it.  
What is economics? The study of rational choice under conditions of scarcity.  
What is an alternative definition of economics? The study of creation and distribution of VALUE.  
What is scarcity? The imbalance between the amount of something that people want and the amount that is freely available.  
What is an opportunity cost? The best alternative forgone when a choic is made.  
Give an example of an opportunity cost. Answers will vary.  
What is rational choice? A calculated, self-interested decision; costs-benefit analysis  
Is economics about money? No.  
Can we make economic models of almost anything? Yes.  
What is the formula for Value? Value = Benefit - Cost  
If everyone made rational choices, individuals would still differ in their choices.  
A rational person makes a choice if the benefits outweigh the costs.  
Fitting a line with a positive slope to a scatter diagram indicates a direct relationship of the variables  
A scatter plot is information arrayed in a two-dimensional space to represent two variables for each data point.  
What is a scatter diagram? A collection of points on a graph showing the observed relationship between two variables.  

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