Dave Schroeder's Fall 09 Psyc test, part 1

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B.F. Skinner Radical Behaviorist who invented the operant conditioning chamber. He believed that behavior is simply a response to an external stimulus and had nothing to do with the mind.  
Behavioral Engineering Watson's idea that we can take any infant and, using Stimulus-Response links, we can program that child to become anything we want.  
Behaviorism Science of observable behavior; this theory rejects the mental construct  
Carl Rogers An influential American psychologist and a founder of the humanistic approach. He is also known for listing characteristics of a 'fully functioning person'.  
Cognitivism Cognitive approach believes that the behavioral approach is so restrictive; what's missing? - Stimulus --> [-organism-] --> Response - Instead of thinking of this organism as a 'black box', let's view the 'black box' as a thinking machine, or a thinking person. Let's treat the human brain just like we'd treat a computer. The Response is based on a pattern of observable responses to stimuli. We can observe what happens inside by the outcome which it puts out.  
Control Group Group in an experiment which does not experience the variable being studied so that there is a measure by which to judge the outcome of the Treatment Group.  
Correlation Coefficient can never be more than 1 and is only 1 when every data is a perfect fit. This only happens when you make up data. When there is no relationship, the correlation coefficient is 0. We distinguish by referring to the first example as a positive correlation, the second example as a negative correlation. Direct relationship = positive relationship. Inverse relationship = negative relationship  
Correlational Study A study which determines the connection between two events or sets of circumstances to see if they are related  
Dependent Variable The variable in an experiment that changes based on the Independent Variable  
Descartes Dualist who believed that the mind and body are separate  
Evolutionary Approach The idea that we behave in certain ways because it's beneficial to the survival of our species.  
Freud Believed that all problems in one's life could be traced back to emotional trauma as a child; he formed the idea of the Id, Ego, and Superego.  
Functionalism refers to a general psychological approach that views mental life and behavior in terms of active adaptation to the person's environment and focuses on the conscious experience. Developed by G.H. Mead  
Goals of Psychology Research Description (e.g., naturalistic observations), prediction (e.g., correlational studies - relationships, explanation (e.g., experiments – cause-effect)  
Herbert Simon (1916-2001) Notable cognitive psychologist  
Humanistic Approach Focuses on the idea that each person is unique and has some sort of unique potential.  
Hypothesis Proposed explanation for an observable phenomenon.  
Identify major names regarding: Behaviorism Watson says 'We don't need psyches; we don't need minds. We only need to deal with behavior, which is observable. We're going to reject mental constructs. We're not talking about thinking or the mind. We want to study environmental stimuli and how it affects behavior.'  
Identify major names regarding: Cognitive Approach Piaget, Simon - We're capable of independent thought. We have minds of our own.  
Identify major names regarding: Functionalist / Science of the Mind Adapting James in 1890 says 'Wait a minute, Structuralists! How does the mind work? It's not just a scientific process.'  
Identify major names regarding: Humanism Maslow, Rogers - We're not going to pigeon-hole people into labels. People are unique!  
Identify major names regarding: Philosophy of the Mind Descartes, Locke – Is the mind/soul separate from the body? Are they one?  
Identify major names regarding: Psychodynamic Approach / Science of the Psyche Freud in 1895 - 'Let's put it all together and then figure out what messed you up as a child.'  
Identify major names regarding: Structuralism / Science of the Mind Wundt in 1879, Titchener - They take the scientific method and throw out the Philosophy approach. It needs to be empirical!  
Inclusive Fitness These are the traits that increase the likelihood that your genes will be passed on. We look for people who are more 'fit' to help us through our lives so that the human species can progress.  
Independent Variable The variable in an experiment that remains constant  
James (1842-1910) Functional psychologist and philosopher  
Jean Piaget French psychologist in the field of dissociation and traumatic memory. He was one of the first to draw a connection between events in the subject's past life and his or her present day trauma, and he coined the words 'dissociation' and 'subconscious'.  
Karl Lashley Behaviorist who is well-remembered for his influential contributions to the study of learning and memory. He was unable to find a single locus of memory in a rat's brain and was therefore led to believe that memories are widely distributed throughout the cortex  
Locke Philosopher who believed that we are a product of our environment and that the mind and body are one.  
Maslow (1908–1970) Is noted for his conceptualization of a 'hierarchy of human needs', and is considered the founder of humanistic psychology.  
Neurosciences Determines what is happening inside the brain on a chemical level. Can be used in conjunction with any of the other forms, not only to understand the stimulus and the response, but to explain the biology of the other theories as well, such as behavioral neuroscience or cognitive neuroscience. MRI, Pet Scan -- these things are parts of neuroscience that allow us to see an image of what's happening inside the brain  
Philosophical Roots Prescientific Psychology; attempted to identify the soul and the nature of knowledge  
Population A group of people, often a culture or society  
Psychodynamic body of ideas developed by Freud which is primarily devoted to the study of human psychological functioning and behavior  
Radical Behaviorism Is centered around the ideas of Operant Conditioning, which emphasizes a schedule of reinforcement as an independent variable and the rate of responding as a dependent variable.  
Random Assignment How the sample of people for a study are drawn; because it is random, it’s expected that this group can be fairly representative of the larger population.  
Roger Sperry Neuropsychologist who won the 1981 Nobel Prize for his work in split-brain research after 10 epilepsy patients underwent surgery to disconnect the right and left sides of their brains from being capable of transmitting signal to one another.  
Sample The segment of the population being studied  
Scientific approach to psychology Must be empirical/objective. There is an assumption of lawfulness, and any wrong answers must be self-correcting.  
Structuralism an approach that attempts to analyze a specific field as a complex system of interrelated parts.  
Theory An analytic structure designed to explain a set of empirical observations.  
Third-Variable Correlation A correlation between two sets of data that exists because of an outside connection. For example, smoking companies made the argument that cigarettes did not cause cancer but rather that the people who were predisposed to having cancer were also predisposed toward nicotine/tobacco addictions.  
Titchener Structuralist who studied under Wundt before establishing a psychology laboratory at Cornell University. He attempted to classify structures of the mind in the way that a chemist would identify chemicals in a compound.  
Treatment (experimental) Group The group that experiences the variable we're trying to study  
Watson Argued that we must reject anything which cannot be observed scientifically; he questioned how environmental factors and various stimuli elicit certain responses, and he developed 'S-R Psychology' which contends that what happens between the stimulus and the response is not observable and therefore cannot be studied.  
Wundt Structuralist psychologist who took a scientific and reductionistic approach, trying to break the mind down into its most basic structures. He founded the first formal laboratory for psychology at the University of Leipzig.  

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