
Popularity (by total correct streak): 40
Popularity (by number of users): 4


Carthago, Carthaginis Carthage  
fabula, -ae story, tale, play  
imperator, imperatoris general, commander-in-chief, emperor  
imperium, -ii power to command, supreme power, authority, command, control  
perfugium, -ii refuge, shelter  
servus, -i, (m) serva, -ae (f) slave  
solacium, -ii comfort, relief  
vulnus, vulneris wound  
re- or red- again, back  
ut as, just as, when  
postea afterwards  
accipio, -cipere, -cepi, -ceptum to take, receive, accept  
excipio, -cipere, -cepi, -ceptum to take out, except;take, receive, accept  
recipio, -cipere, -cepi, -ceptum to take back, regain, admit, receive  
pello, pellere, pepuli, pulsum to strike, push, drove out banish  
expello, -pellere, -puli, -pulsum to drive out, expel, banish  
narro to tell, report, narrate  
quaero, quaerere, quaesivi, quaesitum to seek, look for, strive for, ask, inquire, inquire into  
rideo, ridere, risi, risum to laugh, laugh at  

Quisition is a browser-based flashcard system that repeats old cards and introduces new ones at optimal time intervals. You can create your own card packs or use those developed by others.