Popularity (by total correct streak): 14
Popularity (by number of users): 1


Information obtained indirectly from another source that was previously collected, processed, and made available to a larger audience. Secondary data  
The flow of people, goods, money, ideas, or materials between locations near or far ( the fourth theme of geography) Movements  
A thematic map with lines that connect points of equal value. Isoline maps  
A thematic map in which the size of a symbol varies in proportion to the frequency or intensity of the mapped variable. Proportional symbol map  
A map that demonstrates a particular feature or a single variable. The four types of maps are (1) dot maps, (2) choropleth maps, (3) proportional symbol maps, and (4) isoline maps Thematic maps  
Information collected by the researchers or their equipment without any iteremediary. This can include surveys, interviews, observations, or measurements obtained in the field. Primary data  
Human geography The study of the distribution of humans and their activitiees on the surface of the earth and of the processes that generate these distributions.  
The local human and physical characteristics that uniquely define a place and give it meaning to its inhabitatnts (the second theme of geography) Place  
A computer hardware software system that handles geographically referenced data. It uses and produces maps and has the ability to perform many types of spatial analysis. Geographic information systems (GIS)  
A general-purpose map that shows recognizable landmarks, roads, and political units Reference maps  
A systematic method of transfering a spherical surface to a flat map Map projection  
Explanatory list of symbols in a map. Usually appears in a box in a lower corner. Legend  
The level of detail for dividing a thematic map into geographic units, ranging from a coarse division (e.g., countries) to a fine division (e.g., zip codes) Aggregation  
A two-dimensional graph representation of the surface of the earth (or of events that occur on the earth) Map  
A thematic map in which ranked classes of some variable are depicted with shading pattersn or colors for predefined zones. Choropleth map  
Elimination of unimportant detail on maps and retention and possibly exaggeration and distortion of important information, depending on the purpose of the map Simplification  
Information that has a geographical or locational component Spatial Data  
An area characterized by similarity or by cohesiveness that sets it apart form other areas (the thrird theme of geography) Region  
The absolute position of somethingon the surface of the earth and its relative proximity to other related things (the first theme of geography) Location  
A thematic map in which a dot represents some frequency of the mapped variable Dot Maps  
The ratio of a map distance to earth distance, measured in the same units Map scale  
The ways in which human society and the natural environment affect each other (the fifth theme of geography) Human-environmental interactions  

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