Mostly terms for guitar playing (as in rock and methods).

Popularity (by total correct streak): 88
Popularity (by number of users): 4


What is an octave? A tone on the eighth degree from a given tone.  
What is an interval? The distance between two notes.  
What is a natural harmonic? The bell-like tone produced when an open (guitar) string is plucked while a fret-hand finger lightly touches it above a designated fret location.  
What are all the letters in the musical alphabet (excluding sharps and flats)? A-B-C-D-E-F-G  
What does augment mean? To raise a half step.  
What is a dyad? Two notes played together as a chord.  
What is a ledger? Short lines acting as temporary staff extensions.  
How many beats is a sixteenth note worth? 1/4 beat  
How many beats is a quarter note worth? 1 beat  
How many beats is a half note worth? 2 beats  
How many beats is a whole note worth? 4 beats  
How many beats is an eighth note worth? 1/2 beat  
Write down a whole rest, a half rest, a quarter rest, an eighth rest, and a sixteenth rest on tab paper. Is it correct?  
What does a double-barline signify? The end of a section.  
What does a terminal barline signify? The end of a piece of music.  
What is a beam/partial beam? A line(s) used to connect a group of notes that are less than one beat in value.  
How does a note change when a dot is placed immediately after (parallel) to the note head? The value of the note's (or rest's) duration increases by 1/2.  
What is a tie? A curved line that connects two notes of the same pitch.  
What is a slur? A curved line that connects two notes of different pitches.  
What is a triplet? A group of 3 notes that occupies the same duration as two notes of the same value.  
What would 'fourth' define in the term fourth-dyad? The musical interval, or distance, of four scale steps (the equivalent of five frets).  
What is a riff? The series of notes, chord patterns or musical phrases that are repeated.  
What does P.M. stand for (between the staff and TAB symbol)? Palm mute (guitar).  

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