
Popularity (by total correct streak): 50
Popularity (by number of users): 4


custodia, -ae protection, custody; plural- guards  
exercitus, -us army  
paupertas, paupertatis poverty, humble circumstances  
dives, gen. divitis or ditis rich  
par, paris + dat equal, like  
pauper, pauperis of small means, poor  
dummodo + subj. provided that, so long as  
malo, malle, malui to want more, instead; prefer  
nolo, nolle, nolui to not...wish, be unwilling  
pateo, patere, patui to be open, lie open, be accessible, be evident  
praebo, -bere, -bui,-bitum to offer, provide  
promitto, -mittere, -misi, -missum to send forth, promise  
volo, velle, volui to wish, want, be willing, will  

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