Popularity (by total correct streak): 60
Popularity (by number of users): 5
aestas, aestatis | summer | |
ianua, -ae | door | |
pectus, pectoris | breast, heart | |
praemium, -ii | reward, prize | |
iratus, -a, -um | angry | |
antepono, -ponere, -posui, -positum | to put before, prefer | |
foveo, fovere, fovi, fotum | to comfort, nurture, cherish | |
ignosco, -noscere, -novi, -notum +dat. | to grant pardon to, forgive | |
impero + dat. | to give orders to, ocmmand | |
miror, mirari, miratus sum | to marvel at, admire, wonder | |
noceo, nocere, nocui, nocitum + dat | to do harm to, harm, injure | |
nubo, nubere, nupsi, nuptum | to cover, veil + dat. to be married to, marry | |
parco, parcere, peperci, parsurum + dat | to be lenient to, spare | |
pareo, parere, parui + dat. | to be obedient to, obey | |
persuadeo, -suadere, -suasi, -suasum + dat. | to make sweet to, persuade | |
placeo, placere, placui, placitum + dat. | to be pleasing to, please | |
sapio, sapere, sapivi | to have good taste, have good sense, be wise | |
servio, servire, servivi, servitum + dat. | to be a slave to, serve | |
studeo, studere, studui + dat. | to direct one's zeal to, be eager for, study | |
subrideo, -ridere, -risi, -risum | to smile upon |
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