Popularity (by total correct streak): 8
Popularity (by number of users): 1


What is biology? the study of life or living things  
What is the scientific method? a basic process that people follow to solve problems and gain new knowledge  
What are the steps of the scientific method? 1) Identify a problem through observation, 2) Gather background information , 3) Formulate a hypothesis, 4) Test the hypothesis, 5) Record data, 6) Analyze the results, 7) Formulate a conclusion  
What is an observation? an act or instance of noticing or perceiving  
What is a hypothesis? a prediction that is based on the information that you gathered  
What must be true for a scientific prediction to be used? it has to be testable by an experiment  
What do scientists do if there data does not support their hypothesis? a scientist will ask more questions, rethink their experimental procedure, and try again. In any case, they have still learned something valuable.  
What can be tested by an experiment? a hypothesis  
What is a control? The group of experimental subjects that have no changes - they are left  
What is a variable? A condition that is changed or controlled during the experiment to see if it cases a particular effects  
What is data? These are measurements and/or observations made during the experiment that will be used to help answer  
What is a procedure? The step-by-step directions for conducting the experiment  
What is length? the distance between two points  
What measures length? What are the units for length? meter (m)  
What is volume? the amount of space an object takes up  
What measures volume? What are the units for volume? liter (l)  
What is mass? the amount of matter an object takes up  
What measures mass? What are the units for mass? gram (g)  
What is time? a measure of the number of seconds that pass between two events  
What measures time? What are the units for time? seconds  
Why do scientist repeat experiments? to make sure their results are accurate and consistent  

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