Popularity (by total correct streak): 5
Popularity (by number of users): 1


What is money? Money is anything that is used in exchange of goods and services  
What is microeconomics? Microeconomics is the study of the economy from the individual, household, and business level.  
What is a trade-offs? Trade-offs are activities or items you give up in exchange for something else. There are trade-offs associated with any choice we make, but there are also benefits like earning an A in economics. Trade can also be called costs of the choice made.  
How does supply and demand inform the choices of consumers and business owners? In the sale of goods and services, price is determined by the interaction between supply and demand. In a graph, the point where the supply curve and demand curve intersect is called the equilibrium point. This point corresponds to the equilibrium price, the one a business should seek to charge. If suppliers charge a price higher than equilibrium a surplus will result. If they charge less a shortage will result.  
What factors affect supply? Resources: cost and availability; Other goods' prices; Taxes, subsidies, and government regulations; Technology (productivity); Expectations of the producer; Number of firms in the industry  
What factors affect demand? Tastes and preferences; Related goods and services; Income; Buyers, number of; Expectations of price  
How are prices determined? Price is determined by the interaction between supply and demand  
What is the difference between money and currency? Money is anything that can be used in exchange of goods and services. Currency is the coins and paper bills used in exchange for goods and services.  
Why does money have value? Money has value because of the public's confidence in currency created and protected by the U.S. government.  
How does printing more currency affect the economy? Printing too much currency would lower its value and increase inflation more  
When does a surplus occur? A surplus occurs when suppliers charge a price higher than the equilibrium price; extra quantity over level demand  
When does a shortage occur? A surplus occurs when suppliers charge less than the equilibrium price; lack of enough quantity to meet demand  
1)What is the difference between demand and quantity demanded? Demand, the amount of a good or service that people are willing to buy, is the “whole curve” - overall demand for a good or service at all prices. Quantity demanded, however, is a specific point on the curve, showing how much will be purchased at a specific price. So when price changes, only the quantity demanded changes as a result  
1)What is the difference between supply and quantity supplied? Supply is the whole curve – the total amount of a product suppliers are willing to put up for purchase. Quantity supplied is a single point on the curve – it is how much of a product suppliers are willing to put up for purchase at a specific price.  

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