Principles of Marketing, Chapter 3

Popularity (by total correct streak): 48
Popularity (by number of users): 2


Environmental Scanning the collection of information about the marketing environment  
Environmental Analysis interpretation of information about the marketing environment  
The Environmental Forces political, legal, regulatory, societal/sociocultural, economic, competitive, technological  
Sherman Antitrust Act (1890) anti-monopoly legislation  
Clayton Act (1914) prohibits price discrimination, tying contracts, and exclusive dealings  
Federal Trade Act (1914) prohibits unfair methods of competition  
Robinson-Patman Act (1936) (1936) price discrimination in the case of small vs. large stores  
Prosperity economic condition when wages high, unemployment low; mktg strategy=expand marketing mix  
Recession economic condition when wages low, unemployment high; mktg strategy=produce functional products  
Depression economic condition when wages very low, unemployment very high; mktg strategy=produce very functional products  
Recovery economic condition when wages rising, unemployment falling; mktg strategy=flexible to make needed adjustments  
Buying Power depends on income, credit, and wealth  
Disposable Income after-tax income  
Discretionary Income after-tax income left once basic necessities (food, clothing, shelter) met  
Credit spending future income now  
Wealth accumulation of past income  
Monopoly competitive mkt with 1 seller, unique product, legal barriers to entry  
Oligopoly competitive market w/ few sellers, heterogenous or homogenous product, some barriers to entry  
Pure Competition competitive market w/ many sellers, homogenous product, no barriers to entry (no advertising)  
Monopolistic Competition competitive market w/ many sellers, heterogenous products (carving out market niches), few/some barriers to entry because of advertising  
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) federal regulatory agency that deals with unfair competitive practices  
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) federal regulatory agency that deals with food product labeling  
Better Business Bureau (BBB) non-government agency that helps settle problems between consumers and businesses  
Consumerism a consumer movement that secures protections for consumers (Ralph Nader)  

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