How to Count to 10 in Korean (used in Taekwondo)
Popularity (by total correct streak): 74
Popularity (by number of users): 4
1 One | Ha-na 하나 | |
2 Two | Tul 둘 (tool) | |
3 Three | Set 셋 (seht)(terminal"t" is almost silent) | |
4 Four | Net 넷 (neh) nett (terminal"t" is almost silent) | |
5 Five | Ta-sot 다섯 (DA-seot)(terminal"t" is silent) | |
6 Six | Yo-sot 여섯 (Yeo-seot)(terminal"t" is silent) | |
7 Seven | Il-gohp 일곱 (il-gop) | |
8 Eight | Yo-dul 여덟 (YUH-deol) | |
9 Nine | A-hup 아홉(AH-hop) (pronounce like it's one syllable) | |
10 Ten | Yuhl 열 (yeol) |
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