Nish Misc

Popularity (by total correct streak): 94
Popularity (by number of users): 1


airplane pimihsewin  
okimaahkaan chief  
here ohomaa  
aasha now  
sickness aahkosiwin  
gun passhkisikan  
boat (locative) ciimaanink  
day before yesterday awashsinaako  
pinehshihsh birds  
natohtamowin radio  
tonight noonkom (or kaa) ani tipihkaak  
grandfather mihshoom  
noonkam kaa-kii-kekishepaayaak this morning  
moohkom grandmother  
ociimican younger sibling  
owiiskwehokaan his tent  
maybe naanta  
tahkaayaa the cold  
kinwesh long time  
piisha he she is coming  
aan tahsh waa tootawac? what do they want to do?  
maci-kekoon bad thing  
awiya someone  
he does something bad machihcike  
she fights miikanaan  
too much mishtahi  
niiminaaniwank the dance  
(trans) lost wahi  
toohaan ball  
kiishiwaayaak it is warm  
soon wiipac  
(trans) afraid kohs  
(trans) think something to be inentan  
naaniyahii beside  
kohtaatikosi it's too dangerous  
noopimink in the woods  
tipihkonk last night  
kaa-kii that was  
wawoono howl  
paawihtik rapids  
ihiweti over there  
awahsite beyond  
oka - also  
nanaantawencike hunt  
naasinkan get or fetch it  
to be happy minwentam  
to steal kimooti  
saakaham she he goes out  
nihsitohtam she understands  
wine shoominaapoo  
ominihkwe alcohol drinker  
nitawaac might as well  
kipihtinan stop it!  
tashiihkewin community  

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