Know the following information

Popularity (by total correct streak): 47
Popularity (by number of users): 6


1. What is the name of your club? (will vary at each dojo) Ours is UWSP Judo Club  
2. Name(s) of Instructor(s)/Sensei (will vary at each dojo) UWSP's are Tom Gustin, Jim Weidner, Ken Camlek, and Jim Haferman  
3. What is the name of your judo organization? The United States Judo Association (USJA)  
4. Who was the founder of judo? Dr. Jigoro Kano  
5. What is the date of the founding of Kodokan Judo? 1882  
7. What was unarmed combat called in Japan before judo? Jujitsu  
8.How long had unarmed combat martial arts been practiced in Japan? About 600 to 1000 years.  
9. Name the three parts of unarmed combat in English and Japanese. 1.Throwing Techniques - Nage Waza, 2. Grappling Techniques - Katame Waza, 3. Striking Techniques - Atemi Waza  
10. Name the three parts of a judo throw in English and Japanese. 1. Off-balance - Kuzushi, 2. Entry - Tsukuri, 3. Completion - Kake  
11. List the USJA senior belt ranks in order by color: White, Yellow, Orange, Green, Brown 3, 2, 1, Black (revised)

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