Principles of Marketing

Popularity (by total correct streak): 49
Popularity (by number of users): 2


Market an aggregate of people who, as individuals or organizations, have needs for products in a product class and who have the ability, willingness and authority to purchase such products  
Two Types of Markets 1. consumer 2. industrial/business  
Consumer Market people who intend to use or consume the product  
Industrial/Business Market people or businesses who intend to use the product in their business operation  
Mass Marketing a.k.a. total marketing; marketing to everyone (no segmentation)  
Segmentation split population into segments according to common needs of members in each group  
Targeting evaluating various segments and selecting the one that has potential to respond to marketing efforts  
Positioning creating a certain image in the minds of consumers  
4 Variables for Segmentation 1. demographic 2. geographic 3. psychographic 4. behavioralistic  
City Size (Geographic Variable) total number of people who live in a certain city  
Market Density (Geographic Variable) number of potential customers that live in a certain city  
4 Conditions for Effective Segmentation 1. consumer needs for product must be heterogenous 2. segment must be identifiable and divisible 3. at least 1 segment must have profit potential 4. the company must be able to reach the segment  
3 Segmentation Strategies 1. undifferentiated/mass mktg/total mktg 2. concentrated 3. differentiated/multi-segment  
Undifferentiated Strategy target everyone (no segmentation)  
Concentrated Strategy target 1 segment  
Differentiated Strategy target more than 1 segment  

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