Japanese greetings.
Popularity (by total correct streak): 0
Popularity (by number of users): 0
おはようございます。 | “Good morning.” (Used until around 11:00) | |
こんにちは。 | “Good day.” (Used between around 11:00 and dusk) | |
こんばんは。 | “Good evening.” (Used after nightfall) | |
おやすみなさい。 | “Good night.” | |
ただいま。 | “I’m back.” | |
おかえりなさい。 | “Welcome back.” | |
さようなら。 | “Goodbye.” | |
じゃ、また。 | “See you later.” | |
失礼します。 | “Please excuse me.” 「しつれいします。」 |
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