Japanese Vocabulary
Popularity (by total correct streak): 31
Popularity (by number of users): 5
みがく | brush | |
くみたてる | assemble | |
おる | bend, fold, break, snap | |
きが つく | notice, become aware | |
つける | put [in soy sauce] | |
みつかる | be found | |
しつもんする | ask a question | |
のせる | place on, load onto | |
ネクタイをします | put on, wear a tie | |
ほそい | thin | |
ふとい | thick | |
ぼんおどり | Bon Festival dance | |
かぐ | furniture | |
せつめいしょ | instruction book | |
ず | figure, drawing | |
せん | line | |
やじるし | arrow | |
くろ | black (noun) | |
しろ | white (noun) | |
あか | red (noun} | |
あお | blue (noun) | |
こん | navy blue (noun) | |
きいろ | yellow (noun) | |
ちゃいろ | brown (noun) | |
しょうゆ | soy sauce | |
ゆうべ | last night | |
さっき | a short while ago | |
にがい | bitter |
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