Elementary Biblical Hebrew, Athas & Young
Popularity (by total correct streak): 28
Popularity (by number of users): 8
אָב | (m.s) father | |
אָבוֹת | (m. irreg.pl) fathers | |
אִישׁ | (m.s) man, husband | |
אְַנָשִׁים | (m. irreg.pl) men, husbands | |
אְַרוֹן | (m.s) ark, chest | |
אִשָּׁה | (f.s) woman, wife | |
נָשִׁים | (f. irreg.pl) women, wives | |
בַּ֫יִת | (m.s) house, temple - contract noun | |
בָּ֖תִּים | (m. irreg.pl) houses, temples | |
בֵּן | (m.s) son | |
בָּנִים | (m. irreg.pl) sons | |
בָּקָר | (m.s) ox, cattle | |
בְּקָרִים | (m.pl) oxen, cattle | |
בְּרֵכָה | (f.s) pool | |
בְּרֵכוֹת | (f.pl) pools | |
בַּת | (f.s) daughter | |
בָּנוֹת | (f. irreg. pl) daughters | |
חְַמוֹר | (m.s) donkey, he-ass | |
חְַמוֹרִים | (m.pl) donkey, he-ass | |
יוֹם | (m.s) day, time | |
יָמִים | (m. irreg.pl) day, time | |
כִּסֵּא | (m.s) seat, chair, throne | |
כִּסְאוֹת | (m. irreg.pl) seats, chairs, thrones | |
מִדְבָּר | (m.s) desert, wilderness | |
נָבִיא | (m.s) prophet | |
נְבִיאים | (m.pl) prophets | |
נָהָר | (f.s) river | |
נְהָרוֹת | (f.pl) rivers | |
נָחָשׁ | (m.s) snake | |
נְחָשִׁים | (m.pl) snakes | |
עִיר | (f.s) town, city | |
עָרִים | (f. irreg.pl) town, city | |
שָׂדֶה | (m.s) field, countryside | |
שָׂדוֹת | (m.pl) field, countryside | |
שֻׁלְחָן | (m.s) table | |
שֻׁלְחָנוֹת | (m. irreg.pl) table | |
שֵׁם | (m.s) name, reputation | |
שֵׁמוֹת | (m. irreg.pl) name, reputation |
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