Built-in Template Tags
Popularity (by total correct streak): 235
Popularity (by number of users): 11
Controls the current auto-escaping behavior. | autoescape | |
Defines a block that can be overridden by child templates. | block | |
Ignores everything between {% comment %} and {% endcomment %}. | comment | |
Used for CSRF protection | csrf_token | |
Cycles among the given strings or variables each time this tag is encountered. | cycle | |
Outputs a whole load of debugging information, including the current context and imported modules. | debug | |
Signals that this template extends a parent template. | extends | |
Filters the contents of the variable through variable filters. | filter | |
Outputs the first variable passed that is not False. | firstof | |
Loop over each item in an array. | for | |
Check if a value has changed from the last iteration of a loop. | ifchanged | |
Output the contents of the block if the two arguments equal each other. | ifequal | |
Tests that two arguments are not equal. | ifnotequal | |
Loads a template and renders it with the current context. | include | |
Loads a custom template tag set. | load | |
Displays the current date and/or time, using a format according to the given string. | now | |
Regroups a list of alike objects by a common attribute. | regroup | |
Removes whitespace between HTML tags. | spaceless | |
Outputs the contents of a given file into the page. | ssi | |
Outputs one of the syntax characters used to compose template tags. | templatetag | |
Returns an absolute path reference (a URL without the domain name) matching a given view function and optional parameters. | url | |
For creating bar charts and such, this tag calculates the ratio of a given value to a maximum value, and then applies that ratio to a constant. | widthratio | |
Caches a complex variable under a simpler name. | with |
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