Built-in template filters
Popularity (by total correct streak): 0
Popularity (by number of users): 0
Adds the argument to the value. | add | |
Adds slashes before quotes. | addslashes | |
Capitalizes the first character of the value. | capfirst | |
Centers the value in a field of a given width. | center | |
Removes all values of arg from the given string. | cut | |
Formats a date according to the given format. | date | |
If value evaluates to False, use given default. Otherwise, use the value. | default | |
If (and only if) value is None, use given default. Otherwise, use the value. | default_if_none | |
Takes a list of dictionaries and returns that list sorted by the key given in the argument. | dictsort | |
Takes a list of dictionaries and returns that list sorted in reverse order by the key given in the argument. | dictsortreversed | |
Escapes a string's HTML. | escape | |
Escapes characters for use in JavaScript strings. | escapejs | |
Format the value like a 'human-readable' file size (i.e. '13 KB', '4.1 MB', '102 bytes', etc). | filesizeformat | |
Returns the first item in a list. | first | |
Replaces ampersands with & entities. | fix_ampersands | |
When used without an argument, rounds a floating-point number to one decimal place -- but only if there's a decimal part to be displayed. | floatformat | |
Applies HTML escaping to a string (see the escape filter for details). | force_escape | |
Given a whole number, returns the requested digit, where 1 is the right-most digit, 2 is the second-right-most digit, etc. | get_digit | |
Converts an IRI (Internationalized Resource Identifier) to a string that is suitable for including in a URL. | iriencode | |
Joins a list with a string, like Python's str.join(list) | join | |
Returns the last item in a list. | last | |
Returns the length of the value. This works for both strings and lists. | length | |
Returns True if the value's length is the argument, or False otherwise. | length_is | |
Replaces line breaks in plain text with appropriate HTML; a single newline becomes an HTML line break (<br />) and a new line followed by a blank line becomes a paragraph break (</p>). | linebreaks | |
Converts all newlines in a piece of plain text to HTML line breaks (<br />). | linebreaksbr | |
Displays text with line numbers. | linenumbers | |
Left-aligns the value in a field of a given width. | ljust | |
Converts a string into all lowercase. | lower | |
Returns the value turned into a list. For a string, it's a list of characters. For an integer, the argument is cast into an unicode string before creating a list. | make_list | |
Converts a phone number (possibly containing letters) to its numerical equivalent. | phone2numeric | |
Returns a plural suffix if the value is not 1. By default, this suffix is 's'. | pluralize | |
A wrapper around pprint.pprint -- for debugging, really. | pprint | |
Returns a random item from the given list. | random | |
Removes a space-separated list of [X]HTML tags from the output. | removetags | |
Right-aligns the value in a field of a given width. | rjust | |
Marks a string as not requiring further HTML escaping prior to output. | safe | |
Applies the safe filter to each element of a sequence. | safeseq | |
Returns a slice of the list. | slice | |
Converts to lowercase, removes non-word characters (alphanumerics and underscores) and converts spaces to hyphens. | slugify | |
Formats the variable according to the argument, a string formatting specifier. | stringformat | |
Strips all [X]HTML tags. | striptags | |
Formats a time according to the given format. | time | |
Formats a date as the time since that date (e.g., "4 days, 6 hours"). | timesince | |
Similar to timesince, except that it measures the time from now until the given date or datetime. | timeuntil | |
Converts a string into titlecase. | title | |
Truncates a string after a certain number of words. | truncatewords | |
Similar to truncatewords, except that it is aware of HTML tags. | truncatewords_html | |
Recursively takes a self-nested list and returns an HTML unordered list -- WITHOUT opening and closing <ul> tags. | unordered_list | |
Converts a string into all uppercase. | upper | |
Escapes a value for use in a URL. | urlencode | |
Converts URLs in text into clickable links. | urlize | |
Converts URLs into clickable links just like urlize, but truncates URLs longer than the given character limit. | urlizetrunc | |
Returns the number of words. | wordcount | |
Wraps words at specified line length. | wordwrap | |
Given a string mapping values for true, false and (optionally) None, returns one of those strings. | yesno | |
Returns True if the value is divisible by the argument. | divisibleby | |
Truncates a string if it is longer than the specified number of characters. | truncatechars |
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