Chapter 1

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Competitive Advantage Meeting customer needs more effectively, with products or services that customers value more highly, or more efficiently, at lower cost.  
Sustainable Competitive Advantage Giving buyers lasting reasons to prefer a firm’s products or services over those of its competitors.  
Four Strategic Choices Low-cost provider, Differentiation on features, Focus on market niche, Best-cost provider  
Cost leadership Efficiency  
Differentiation Effectiveness  
Niche focus efficiency and\or effectiveness  
best-cost provider Optimum price in differentiation  
Business Model How the business will make money By by providing customers with value  
Winner Strategy Tests The Strategic Fit Test, The Competitive Advantage Test, The Performance Test  
The Fit Test Is there dynamic fit with the external business environment and internal firm’s capabilities?  
The Competitive Advantage Test Will the firm achieve a significant and sustainable competitive advantage using that strategy?  
The Performance Test Will the firm demonstrate sound business and financial performance?  
Strategy Following one of the four strategic choices.  

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