Chapter 2

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The Mission Statement “Who we are, what we do, and why we are here”, Focuses on describing the company’s business, not on “making a profit”  
Competence An activity that a firm has learned to perform with proficiency—a capability  
Core Competence A proficiently performed internal activity that is central to a firm’s strategy and competitiveness  
Distinctive Competence A competitively valuable activity that a firm performs better than its rivals  
Seven Forces of Macro-Environment Demographics, Social Forces, Legal/Regulatory Factors, Natural Environment, Technological Factors, Global Forces, General Economic Conditions  
Five Competitive Forces Competitor's Pressure, Threat of New Entrants, Threat of Substitution, Supplier Bargaining Power, Customer Bargaining Power  
Multidomestic Competition Exists when competition in each country market is localized and not closely connected to competition in other country markets.  
Global Competition Exists when competitive conditions and prices are strongly linked across many different national markets.  
Five Strategies for Competing in International Markets Export, License Foreign Firms, Franchise, Greenfield Venture, Strategic Alliances/Joint Venture  
Multidomestic Strategy Varies product offerings and competitive approaches from country to country.  
Global Strategy Employs the same basic competitive approach in all countries where the firm operates.  
Transnational Strategy Is a think-global, act-local approach that incorporates elements of both multidomestic and global strategies.  
Profit Sanctuaries Are country markets (or geographic regions) in which a firm derives substantial profits because of its protected market position or its competitive advantage.  
Cross-Market Subsidization Is the diversion of resources and profits from one market to support competitive offensives in another different market.  
Dumping Selling goods in foreign markets at prices that are either below normal home market prices or below the full costs per unit.  
Competitive Intelligence Information about competitors to forecast future competition moves  
Strategic Alliance Is a formal agreement between two or more separate firms in which they agree to work cooperatively toward common objectives  
Joint Venture Is a type of strategic alliance in which the partners set up an independent corporate entity that they own and control jointly, sharing in its revenues and expenses  

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