GRE words Sam needs to work on
Popularity (by total correct streak): 302
Popularity (by number of users): 1
macadamize | to cover (as a path or roadway) with small broken stone | |
macrocosm | the whole of any sphere or department of nature or knowledge to which man is related | |
madonna | a painting or sculpting of the Virgin, usually with Jesus | |
magnanimous | generous in treating or judging others | |
magnate | a person of rank or importance | |
maharaja | a great Hindu prince | |
malcontent | one who is dissatisfied with the existing state of affairs | |
malediction | the calling down of a curse(s) | |
malefactor | one who injures another | |
maleficent | mischievous | |
malevolence | ill will | |
malignant | evil in nature; or tending to do great harm | |
malleable | pliant | |
manumission | emancipation | |
manumit | to set free from bondage | |
maritime | situated on or near the sea | |
matricide | the murdering of one's mother | |
maudlin | foolishly and tearfully affectionate | |
mawkish | sickening or insipid | |
mead | a meadow | |
mealy-mouthed | afraid to express facts or opinions plainly | |
meander | to wind and turn in a course | |
meliorate | to make better (socially or physically) | |
mellifluous | sweetly or smoothly flowing | |
melodrama | a drama with a romantic story and sensational situations and incidents | |
menagerie | a collection of wild animals, usually exhibited | |
mendacious | untrue | |
mendicant | a beggar | |
mercantile | conducted or acting on business principles; commercial | |
meretricious | alluring by false or gaudy show | |
metonymy | a figure of speech that names something by one of its attributes (e.g., 'scepter' for sovereignty or 'the bottle' for 'strong drink' | |
mettle | courage | |
mettlesome | having courage or spirit | |
microcosm | the world on a small scale | |
mien | the external manner or appearance of a person | |
militate | to have weight or influence (in determining a question) | |
misadventure | an unlucky accident | |
misanthropic | hating mankind | |
miscreant | a villain | |
miser | a person given to saving and hoarding unduly | |
mislay | to misplace | |
misogamy | hatred of marriage | |
misogyny | hatred of women | |
missal | the book containing the service for the celebration of the mass | |
missive | a message in writing | |
miter | a junction of two bodies at an equally divided angle | |
mnemonics | a system of principles and formulas designed to help people remember things | |
modish | fashionable | |
modulate | to vary in tone, inflection, pitch or other quality of sound | |
mollify | to soothe | |
molt | to cast off, as hair, feathers, etc. | |
mongrel | the progeny from crossing breeds or varieties | |
monition | friendly counsel by way of warning, implying caution or reproof | |
monolith | a sculpture formed of a single piece (of stone, ice, etc.) | |
monomania | an unreasonable pursuit of one thing | |
monsieur | French: similar to Mr. or sir | |
mordacious | biting or giving to biting | |
mordant | biting | |
moribund | on the point of dying | |
morose | gloomy | |
mulatto | the child of a mixed couple (white and black) | |
munificent | extraordinarily generous |
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