The objects found around the classroom in Spanish.
Popularity (by total correct streak): 131
Popularity (by number of users): 8
el mapa | the map | |
la bandera | the flag | |
el globo | the globe | |
el calendario | the calendar | |
la goma | eraser | |
el sacapuntas | the sharpener | |
el papel | the paper | |
el borrador | the (chalkboard) eraser | |
la pluma | the pen | |
la silla | the chair | |
el escritorio | the desk | |
la regla | the ruler | |
la ventana | the window | |
el cuaderno | the notebook | |
la tiza | the chalk | |
el pupitre | the student's desk | |
la pizarra | the chalkboard | |
la mesa | the table | |
el libro | the book | |
la pared | the wall |
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