Basic Facts and Verses from Numbers
Popularity (by total correct streak): 0
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Numbers Theme | Wandering in the wilderness | |
Numbers Outline | I. Ordering the people of the exodus (1-10) Sinai; II. Disorder among the people in the wilderness (11-25) Wilderness; III. Reordering the new generation for entrance (26-36) Plains of Moab | |
Numbers 6 | Nazarite vow | |
Numbers 11 | The grumblings of Israel and Moses; the provision of God | |
Numbers 12 | Miriam's rebellion is punished with leprosy and Moses intercedes on her behalf | |
Numbers 22-24 | Balaam, Balak, and the talking donkey | |
Numbers 16:31-35 | God's destructions of Korah and his followers through the opening up the ground; the fear of God is instilled in people | |
Numbers 21:4-9 | God's judgment through deathly fiery serpents; Moses sets up the bronze serpent as God's means for healing (a foreshadowing of Christ on the cross; cf. John 3:14,15) | |
Numbers Timeline | 39 years are covered, ca. 1444-1405 B.C. |
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