Basic Facts and Verses from Matthew
Popularity (by total correct streak): 18
Popularity (by number of users): 1
Matthew Theme | Jesus as King | |
Matthew Outline | I. The presentation of the King (1-10), II. The rejection of the King (11-28) | |
Matthew 4 | the temptation; introduction to Jesus' ministry; call of Peter, Andrew, James, and John | |
Matthew 5-7 | The sermon on the Mount | |
Matthew 10 | The 12 sent out to preach | |
Matthew 13 | Parables (Sower, Wheat and Tares, Leaven and Meal, Hidden Treasure/Pearl, Dragnet, Householder) | |
Matthew 18 | Woes to stumbling blocks; church discipline; unforgiving slave | |
Matthew 24 | Olivet discourse | |
Matthew 1:1-17 | Abrahamic/Davidic genealogies showing Jesus' right to the throne of David; King of Israel | |
Matthew 1:23 | "Behold, the virgin shall be with child... Immanuel..." Jesus' virgin birth prophecy fulfilled (Isa. 7:14) | |
Matthew 2:15 | "Out of Egypt did I call My Son." Jesus' flight to Egypt as prophesied in Hosea 11:1 | |
Matthew 5:1-11 | The beatitudes - qualities of the true kingdom citizen and their resulting blessing from God. | |
Matthew 5:17-20 | "I did not come to abolish, but to fulfill." Christ's confirmation of the Law by His perfect life; His teaching (real meaning of the Law); righteousness surpassing Pharisees' is evidence of salvation, not merit | |
Matthew 5:31 | Divorce and remarriage | |
Matthew 7:1-6 | Judging and the log in the eye | |
Matthew 16:18 | The rock is Peter's confession, "You are the Christ" | |
Matthew 18:3-5 | "Unless you are converted and become like children..." sons of the kingdom are to be as humble as children. | |
Matthew 28:18-20 | Great Commission | |
Matthew Key Person (Andrew) | Brother of Peter and one of the 12 Apostles | |
Matthew Key Person (Annas) | High Priest who first tried Christ | |
Matthew Key People (Caiaphas) | High Priest who took leading role in Jesus' trial | |
Matthew Key People (Simon of Cyrene) | Cyrenian who was forced to bear the cross of Christ |
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