Popularity (by total correct streak): 135
Popularity (by number of users): 1
Discapacitado | disabled | |
Airoso | successful | |
Despectivo | scornful | |
El pecador | sinner | |
Arrepentido | sorry | |
Llevar | to take, to wear | |
El metraje | duration of a movie | |
El tandem | duo, team | |
Perspicaz | keen, sharp, insightful | |
Enganchado | hooked (dependent on), obsessed with (in love) | |
Regentar | manage (a business), rule/govern | |
Desencadenar | unchain, let loose | |
La pantalla | screen | |
El estreno | premiere | |
Las anginas | tonsillitis | |
Las muelas | back teeth | |
La Resaca | hangover | |
El estreñimiento | constipation | |
El esguince | sprain | |
La ansiedad | anxiety | |
Agotado/a | exhausted |
Quisition is a browser-based flashcard system that repeats old cards and introduces new ones at optimal time intervals. You can create your own card packs or use those developed by others.