Popularity (by total correct streak): 236
Popularity (by number of users): 1
el aniversario | anniversary | |
el ensueño | daydream, fantasy | |
el carrete | film roll | |
el rumbo | direction, way | |
marcharse | to leave, depart | |
tomar el pelo | to trick | |
meter | to put | |
trasero | rear, backside | |
el aullido | howl | |
helar | to freeze | |
el palo | stick | |
arrancar | to boot up, to start up (machines, vehicles) | |
el asfalto | asphalt | |
un rincón | hideout/retreat (refuge), corner (remote area) | |
el trayecto | route | |
extraviar | to misplace, to lose | |
el revisor | ticket collector | |
la selva | jungle | |
la vida salvaje | wildlife | |
en balde | in vain | |
espabilar | to wake up, pay attention, to hurry, make progress | |
no hay que ser demasiado exigente | must not be too demanding | |
desanimar | to discourage | |
considerar | to be considerate of | |
recubrir | to re-cover, to recoat | |
soltar | to set free, let loose | |
agarrar | to grab | |
tender | to stretch | |
atontada | absentminded, scatterbrained | |
fastidiar | to annoy, to irritate | |
tortícolis | stiff neck | |
tapar | to cover | |
estresarse | to stress out | |
resentirse | to feel the effects | |
el humo | smoke | |
ensuciar | to get dirty | |
embellecer | to beautify | |
acudir | to result to, to come | |
constatar | to confirm | |
la fecundación | fertilization | |
concebido | conceived | |
la ecografía | ultrasound | |
la licra | lycra, spandex | |
la gamberrada | piece of hooliganism | |
un chiquillo | kid | |
sobrar | to be in excess | |
la pandilla | gang | |
el tiro | gunshot | |
resguardado | protected | |
las golondrinas | swallows | |
el nido | nest | |
colgar | to hang | |
el ala | wing | |
refrenar | to restrain | |
tupido | dense | |
la madreselva | honeysuckle | |
la tapia | garden wall | |
la gota | drop | |
la pipa | pipe | |
las amapolas | opium poppies | |
la terraza | balcony | |
foros de debate | debate forums | |
listas de distribucion | distribution lists | |
tiempo diferido | pre-recorded | |
catalizador | catalyst | |
sucursal bancaria | bank branch | |
enterar | to inform | |
un besazo | big kiss, smacker | |
de golpe | suddenly, all at once | |
sin blanca | without money | |
pasta | money, cash | |
un giro | money transfer | |
un cheque | check | |
el metálico | cash | |
acierto | wise choice | |
un toldo de lienzo | awning of canvas | (revised) |
aguardar | to wait | |
entregar | to deliver, hand over | |
los pormenores | details | |
un engaño | trick | |
enterrar | to bury | |
las llanuras | the plains | |
burlar | to circumvent | |
colocar | to put, place | |
acercar | to move closer | |
asombrarse | to astonish | |
atónito | astonished | |
apoderar | to take control, to authorize | |
la maña | skill | |
las maravillas | wonders | |
las barreras | barriers | |
subvertir | to subvert, to overthrow | |
el cabello | hair on head | |
las carcajadas | loud laughter | |
enganchar | to hook | |
destapar | to uncover, reveal | |
cagar | to shit | |
tapar | to cover | |
las cenizas | ashes | |
merecer la pena | to be worth the effort | |
genial | brilliant | |
fiel | loyal | |
proporcionar | to provide, supply | |
la coherencia | coherence, consistency | |
el credo | creed | |
alucinar | to rave | |
ileso | uninjured | |
la carpintería | carpentry, woodwork | |
percatarse | to realize | |
dejarse ganar | to lose on purpose | |
apetecer | to feel like, to fancy | |
histérica | hysterical | |
guay | super | |
la orilla | seashore | |
el pintor | painter | |
el corsé | corset | |
acero | steel | |
la desgracia | misfortune, tragedy | |
enjuagar | to rinse, to cleanout | |
arolladora | overwhelming/intimidating, charming/irresistible | |
el rastro | trail, track | |
el fondo | bottom, base | |
petardo | lame (spain) | |
menospreciar | to undervalue, to look down on |
Quisition is a browser-based flashcard system that repeats old cards and introduces new ones at optimal time intervals. You can create your own card packs or use those developed by others.