Spanish Vocab
Popularity (by total correct streak): 105
Popularity (by number of users): 6
el álgebra | Algebra | |
aprobar (ue) | to pass (a test,a class) | |
el consejero | guidance counselor | |
el consejero insiste en que tome... | The guidance counselor insists i take | |
el álgebra | Algebra | |
aprobar (ue) | to pass (a test,a class) | |
el consejero | guidance counselor | |
el consejero insiste en que tome... | The guidance counselor insists i take | |
No me gusta para nada! | I don't like it at all | |
el cálculo | calculus | |
las ciencias sociales | social sciences | |
combatir | to combat | |
los cursos | classes | |
el director | principal | |
la discriminación | discrimination | |
estereotipo | stereotype | |
falta de | lack of | |
fama | reputation | |
física | physics | |
horario | schedule | |
ignorancia | ignorance | |
imagen(postiva/negativa) | positive/negative image | |
impresión equivocada | wrong impression | |
juzgar | to judge | |
¿Mañana vamos a tener otra prueba en...? Esto es el como! | Wre going to have another test in... tomorrow? Thats the last straw! | |
el álgebra | Algebra | |
aprobar (ue) | to pass (a test,a class) | |
el consejero | guidance counselor | |
el consejero insiste en que tome... | The guidance counselor insists i take | |
No me gusta para nada! | I don't like it at all | |
el cálculo | calculus | |
las ciencias sociales | social sciences | |
combatir | to combat | |
los cursos | classes | |
el director | principal | |
la discriminación | discrimination | |
estereotipo | stereotype | |
falta de | lack of | |
fama | reputation | |
física | physics | |
horario | schedule | |
ignorancia | ignorance | |
imagen(postiva/negativa) | positive/negative image | |
impresión equivocada | wrong impression | |
juzgar | to judge | |
¿Mañana vamos a tener otra prueba en...? Esto es el como! | Wre going to have another test in... tomorrow? Thats the last straw! | |
Me choca la actitud de... hacia... | I cant stand the attitude of... towards... | |
No aguanto más! | I can't take it anymore! | |
el prejucio | prejudice | |
respetar( a alguien) | to respect(someone) | |
el respeto | respect | |
el semestre | semester | |
suspender | to fail | |
tomar apuntes | to take notes | |
A mi parecer, no hay igualdad entre... | the way i see it, there's no equality between... | |
Al contrario! No estoy de acuerdo | On the contrary! i disagree | |
No me parece que sea justo. | I don't think it's fair. | |
QuÉ va! Eso no es cierto. | No way. That's not true |
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