Situational Fuctional Japanese Lesson 18
Popularity (by total correct streak): 0
Popularity (by number of users): 0
外出する(がいしゅつする) | to go out | |
さく | to bloom | |
故障する | to break down | |
働く | to work, to move | |
続ける | to continue | |
はずす | to be not | |
受かる | to pass (exam | |
残る | to be left, to remain | |
知らせる | to inform, to tell | |
つたえる | to tell | |
わたす | to hand over | |
参考書(さんこうしょ) | reference book | |
両親 | parents | |
兄弟 | siblings | |
夕べ | last evening | |
台 (だい) | counter for machines | |
〜度 | ~times | |
どやったら | what can I do to? | |
初めて | for the first time | |
はじめは | at first | |
伝言 | message | |
ちゅうしする | cancel | |
変更(へんこう) | change | |
そのころ | then | |
あと〜 | more (+numbers) | |
もうすぐ | soon |
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